
Sunday, August 25, 2019

Bowers Museum...

 Had a lovely day at Bowers Museum today with Noel and Renee!  We arrived early and were actually able to not pay for parking since we beat the parking attendant apparently so that was a bonus!  Noel and I snapped away as we strolled through the museum enjoying some of the displays.  We didn't head to the right for the California History but roamed the Spirits and Headhunters, GemStones and Ancient Arts of China and of course the gardens.  We then ended the morning having a delicious lunch at the Bowers Restaurant called Tangata!

Chillin in the Courtyard waiting for Noel and Renee

Got a good shot of the bell!

Love me some trees!

Dreaming of being a Queen

This jewelry blows my mind




Actually dug the reflection action here

Rad Spirit Dude

Shadowy Buddha Head


This holds wine.  That's right.

Happiest Horses Eva

Peace be with you!

Coolest fucking Chess Set I've ever seen!

The brown ones are stained with Tea!

Mom as a God (AKA Dr. Doolittle)