
Monday, November 6, 2017

Noches de Altares Photo Play Date...

This was the 1 year anniversary of our Photo Group!  Our very 1st play date was Noches de Altares last year!  I'm so thrilled my silly little thought has been going strong for a year now!  Yay!

As per usual, the event was beautiful!

Such beautiful makeup

Random Creep Dog Dude

The Catrina

Each color represents a different cancer

I want her jacket

My mom and gramma had a sewing machine just like this!

The gentleman whose alter this was, said the sewing machine and kit were his mothers.  She lived to be 95 and his father lived to be 105!

A Muertos Christmas Tree!!!!

Captured a moment


This entire alter was for the pup!


She had photographs made into a dress

Love this guy!  He's here every year.

These kids were playing music using drums and a seashell!

Got pretty crowed later on
